Saturday 5 September 2015

8 Tasks You Should Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

Are you feeling like you’re drowning in work? Is your to-do-list not getting done? Is your productivity at an all time low? Well maybe it is time you hired some help.
Usually the smaller, simpler tasks in our to-do list consume all our time and leave us little room to focus on bigger and more important things. These are the routine tasks that can be easily delegated to someone else. If you feel that your productivity and performance is being affected by such tasks, it is time that you hire a full time or on-demand virtual assistant that can take away the burden from your shoulders.
Here are 10 tasks that are perfect for being outsourced to a virtual assistant:

1. Set Up Appointments/Reservations

As a busy professional or entrepreneur, you might not have time to spend on booking appointments or making reservations. Assign this task to a virtual assistant. Provide details of what, where and when; and you are done.

2. Proof Reading & Editing

Self editing is sometimes not very reliable and also time consuming. A virtual assistant can be of great help for proofreading your content, finding errors and suggesting edits.

3. Find a Local Service

Finding a local service can be hectic since you would need to go through reviews and feedback in order to choose the best option. A virtual assistant can take care of this dreaded task for you and provide you the best options to choose from and also set up appointments on your behalf.

4. Personal & Business Research

In order to make important decisions in personal and professional life, time consuming research is required. You can get a virtual assistant to do the initial research for you and provide you with reports and presentations for you to move forward.

5. Manage To-Do-List

Your Virtual Assistant can be help you in staying on top of your to-do-list, give you reminders for important tasks and deadlines.

6. Get Quotes

Virtual Assistants can help you find the products and services you are looking for and get price quotes from them. They can also help you in doing price & features comparison.

7. Plan Events

Virtual Assistants can help you in planing your event from start to finish. They can find venue, get menu options and prices, caterers etc., and enable you to have the perfect event with little or no hassle.

8. Prepare Presentations

Your can provide notes and basic outline to a virtual assistant for preparing your power point presentations for you, while you work on other things

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